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Sun May 28, 2023 - Disorient CCXi


Disorient is a camp at Burning Man

Disorient has been a camp at Burning Man since 2001.

Disorient at BM 2022

In 2022, Disorient was located at Esplanade & 6:30 with 200 ft. of frontage and 400 ft. deep.
We had 224 campers.
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This time around — even more than usual since it had been almost 3 years since we had last found ourselves on the playa together — Disorient went in expecting the unexpected. After a two year hiatus, who knows where the capabilities and desires of everyone would take us. We were ready for a heart-opener.

The idea for D22 was to gently reconnect with each other. This desire for reconnection was expressed through our "XO" camp layout.
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The Art Car Wash was our main frontage installation. The two art cars from the Eminent Front: the ENTity and the new Disco Dock were parked behind the ACW. Those vehicles were part of the ACW and punctually provided sound for in-camp dance events.
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The Art Car Wash was flanked on the 6:30 side by CoSign, our new 16’ tall “D” beacon.
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Behind our frontage, the Very Pornj Lounge (VPL) was a new edition of our Club House design, a comfortable and soothing environment, a cocktail lounge where you could sway to the sound of low/no BPM tunes such as AlKemiss EriKa's set on Tuesday.

The Club House was a space for presentations and discussions where Disorient Talks were held every other day between 4pm and 6pm.
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It's also where our hour-long Amp'd Yoga sessions were held daily at 1pm.
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The DKitchen was wo/manned by a solid Dis crew, serving additional comfort twice a day.
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Spire, our new Geodesic Temple stood on the playa in front of camp, just far enough so we could admire it properly.
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Sofi's Cone was about 100 ft. on the seven O'clock side of Spire.
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Small Hadron Collider was further out on the playa
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Our upgraded D14 Disorient Sign hung inside the Club House and got a new revision and re-interpretation this year.
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Three 300 Watt lasers located in the front and back of camp sent messages from the playa to the stars.
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Disorient is a collective

Disorient is a sound, visual and performance art collective. We create art projects and art installations with hardware including wood, scaffolding, palette rack, containers, recycled materials, your body, Raspberry Pi, geodesic domes, inflatable structures, video, repurposed objects, black lights and vehicles. We develop software for our installations.


Our guiding principles are outlined in the Disorient Model and in the Political Economy of Disorient. Disorient is an open creative platform powered by love.

Our contribution to the vernacular includes Pornj and GlamTech.

Disorient ecosystem

When we are not on the Playa, we organize events, retreats and happenings to raise funds for our art projects on and off playa and support Burning Man. 100% of profit is reinvested in Disorient.
Those include Country Club (since 2011) upstate New York, Bedouin Tech (2014-2018) in the desert of Dubai and Fun Tsang (since 2016) on the beach of a tiny uninhabited tropical island of Hong Kong. Those outdoor camping retreats last several days and are aligned with the Burning Man ethos. In September 2021 we organized the first Burning Mantap in Bali, Indonesia.

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Our first fundraisers outside the US happened in 2009 in Brazil and Argentina

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Thousands of DOers (DisOrienters) have camped with Disorient at Burning Man since 2001. About half of those campers are in the US. The other half is distributed in dozens of other countries. We use social networks to stay connected.

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Too Much Is Rarely Enough.