Love Ministry

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As of 2008, the Love Ministry is the contemporary umbrella for Disorient communal vibe and hospitality collaborations. The Love Ministry is reminiscent of the deep loungey roots of Disorient camp, including MylaRV, Camp Sleizure's Dis-Orient Lounge, Tranquility Base, and Ishkabibble.

On-Playa Collaborations

It includes our main hospitality cells and modules (see Disorient Model). In reference to those at Burning Man, Love modules typically include communal camp spaces such as lounges, dining areas, a kitchen which is sometimes run by co-op, bars, and the water evaporation pond, AKA "evap pool". Love modules can be places where other cells can create modules, such as mixers, potlucks, parties, and meetings. They can also include messaging projects, such as chalk boards, photo boards, and mailboxes. It can be a place where Disorienters can just check in, find and make friends, and get plugged into other communal and personal projects within Disorient.

Sometimes a relatively low-powered sound system is part of or adjacent to the Love Ministry, including camps within Disorient such as the Dragon's Den. Other, more private spaces include showers and massage tables.

The Love Ministry is not only interested in the comfort and safety of Disorient members and guests during Burning Man. Whoa no. We also coordinate with other cells to provide setup and cleanup workers with shade and other desert survival basics and amenities. We collaborate on the Urban Plan to best provide services that work well with the year's infrastructure, DDPW, The Hut Of The Glam-Tech Warrior, and Disengage.


The Love Ministry also reaches out to provide planning and logistical support to other zones and projects within our camp with similar goals, including Refuge, Playa Inipi, Turqsandcocos, Deep Down Disorient Daze, and Geisha Lounge. Love Ministry members have also been active in Camp Registeration, Camp and Gate Greeting and Shifts, Space Bass, stage construction, and host their own hospitality hours in their campsites and RVs.

The Love Ministry is also a forum on The Puddle for online collaboration regarding The Love Ministry at Burning Man, as well as for hospitality projects at other events Disorient hosts and participates in. Examples are food preparation and service, lounges, living space, and Astral Carpet Lounge.