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Off-Playa retreats, salons, parties and fundraisers
presented by Disorient

By attending our events you agree to follow our Personal Boundaries values.

Naming convention and style guide

Disorient presents: EVENT NAME

("Disorient" with capital D, "presents" in lower case, "colon" no space between present and colon, "EVENT NAME" all caps)

Snake Island Takeover by Disorient (2024)

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Aug. 3, 2024 - Austin, TX - TICKETS and info

Disorient presents: CCXii - Possibilites of Pattern (2024)

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May 23-27, 2024 - Upstate NY more

Disorient presents: CCXi - Satellite Seances (2023)


May 24-29, 2023 - Upstate NY more

Disorient Hong Kong presents: DHK BBQ

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Sat, Mar 11, 2023, Noon till late
Kiwi Farm - 99 San Tin - Yuen Long - Hong Kong

Disorient Hong Kong presents: AWAKENING 2022


Celebrating life by making art and love! Come meet Disorient HK and enjoy a bumping night with great visuals and music at Club DAO.

Music: Ti Yonyk, Gie, Simtub, Paul BPH, Andreas, Sean
Visuals: Gaze, ZparkZ

Sat, Dec 3, 2022, 8:00 PM – Sun, Dec 4, 2022, 3:00 AM HKT
Club DAO 70-72 Connaught Road West Gold Union Commercial Building, 21F Hong Kong, HK


Disorient presents: Country Club X - Astrodynamica


Disorient Bali presents: BURNING MANTAP


Sat. Sep. 4th, 2021
Disorient's first burn in Bali.

Disorient presents: ETERNAL NIGHT


Disorient presents: ETERNAL NIGHT
24 hours of live DJ sets starting Oct. 31st, 2020 at 8pm Hong Kong time
FREE (donations welcome)

Produced by Guillaume C. and The Eye

A musical journey around the world with Disorient DJs playing live sets at night in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Bali, India, Dubai, Germany, Monaco, UK, Argentina, New York, Utah and California for a continuous 24-hour experience.

Disorient is uniquely positioned to create such an event. Starting at 8pm Hong Kong time, Disorient presents: ETERNAL NIGHT jets around the world for a 24-hour night of pure pornj.

EN20 is a virtual experience. Stay safe and wear your mask when you go out.

FREE (donations welcome)

Performers' Schedule

Each cell covers a specific geographic area. Cell leads are responsible for the presentation in their respective geographic area, including streaming (tech setup) and content (artists).

Hong Kong - Teddy L.
Dubai - Ejaz
India - Ria R.
Europe - Guillaume C.
Argentina - Artur M.
NYC - VibesByTory
California - JD/Hruby

D8E is a new platform. It is still in development and EN20 will be one of its first events. Some Disorienters are involved in this project.

HOW TO stream HQ audio to a D8E show


Disorient presents: SO GOOD

Disorient's digital salon

Every Saturday at 11:30pm EST - June 2020

Meeting ID: 838 6744 5283
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,83867445283# US (New York)
+13017158592,,83867445283# US (Germantown)

Disorient presents: COUNTRY CLUB X - Astrodynamica

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May 21-25, 2020 - Upstate New York (USA)

Join Disorient for year 10 of our annual journey of deep chilling, off-the-grid futurist relaxation. Country Club is a lake and lush green woodland oasis where blissful self-reliance meets massive multiplayer techno and technology participation.

Disorient presents: GLAMTECH MAXIMALISM

April 18, 2020 - New York (USA)

Disorient is back for our 11th Edition of GlamTech - a tribute to glamorous technology and interactive art everywhere - and this time too much is surely not enough. Turn your knobs up to 11! It's time to take it TO THE MAX!

Disorient presents: DISCO BALL 2020

Jan 1, 2020 4AM to 2PM - Brooklyn, NY

Events 2010-2019
Events 2008-2009
Events 2001-2007