D14 Sign
From Disorient wiki
Designed and fabricated by Viktor and the Soviet Block (Kirill, Fixxy, Michael, Savage) in NYC, 2014
D22 work
This is a project underway to repair the D14 sign for D22.
This is the new Pixelblaze-based controller board:
Complete photo gallery of sign current condition: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kHb292Mp7xYtRaKu9
Inspection report PDF: https://wiki.disorient.info/images/7/79/2022-07-24_-_disorient_sign_2014_inspection_report.pdf
Design prototype v1
- Are the new LED-to-Cat6 cables going to present a problem? What needs to be done to get 2019's changes back to 2014's state?
Example pics: