The Eminent Front

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A message from The Eminent Front (20220113)

Strange times. Yet Art lives on and Art continues to give hope. Time to make our art.

The Good Wasabi LLC will create a new Mobile Art Project (MAP) to complement the enTity, which carries the letters e-n-T: the enhanced Sign On Wheels will be ready to ride again in 2022 (when “riding” is allowed...). We are now building the mobile Disco Dock.

The Sign on Wheels as it is shines brightly. But a new home is needed for the letters D-i-s and O-r-i: This will be the Disco Dock. DiSCO will be on a hydraulic lift—the Disco Lift!

With Burning Man looming on the horizon, this New Sign will rise up and be a beacon—of hope, of direction, of a nearby shore. We believe that this Sign will help us rise above.

What we try to do (and do) is make art that works. Our art itself becomes a Sign—which signifies, inter alia, that We’re Still Here. And we want others to see and find and join us.

Thank you for joining us again, helping us make art, this Sign on Wheels roll. Disco Dock. See attached Flyer.

The Eminent Front collective now includes myself (Bacchus), Peter, and Jeff Schomberg formally joins us as well—he creates a lot of art, a lot of Signs, and fashioned the Dang Gang and the current enT). We welcome back Alien (Adele) and Mt. Tam Matt (the Space Hippy, these are our tech crew who made the lights go on—and now dance to the DiSCO beats, as we mount the new and old letters). We are going to make the Disco Dock rise, in Reno; indeed, we have begun.

Gonna make ‘em shine—Disco!! We will be working with Jeff to weld and saw—to make the Sign shine bright. Disco Dock will be a polyclonal antidote to hard times.

However far away the Light may seem, in difficult moments, the future is still imminent. We are the Eminent Front. We are going to Put On the Disco Dock. #ArtGivesUsHope!

The Disco Dock, using its lift, will enable the alter-abled to rise above the desert floor.

The Sign is video-quality, with programming by Leo Villareal and other video artists.

The Good Wasabi, LLC operates for the public good; we work with and are fiscally-sponsored by the Flux Foundation.

We respair! The enTity is now battle-tested and ready for (heavy) duty. The Disco Dock rises. Respair!


P.S. We are going to bring the love back, in the form of the bright rising lights of Disco!