Pod Mahal

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by Freeman and friends

"This year I'd like to execute my pallet rack condo idea. I believe we can make living structures that are way more interesting than tents or RVs at costs somewhere in between.

In terms of scale I'd like to target something around 50'x50' that houses 30 odd people with a generous amount of open space and lounges of varying levels of intimacy.

Amenities could include dark AC areas, a pantry with a sink and counter top, and private showers. I'd love to include private bathrooms but the only option I can think of would be chem bags, so this is TBD."

- Freeman, Feb. 23, 2018

PodMahal2018.1.jpg PodMahal2018.5.jpeg

PodMahal2018.3.jpg PodMahal2018.4.jpeg PodMahal2018.6.jpg PodMahal2018.7.jpeg PodMahal2018.8.jpeg PodMahal2018.2.jpg PodMahal2018.9.jpeg

Pod Mahal won the Golden Rebar for Architectural Landmark in our friend Philippe Glade’s latest edition of http://thisisblackrockcity.blogspot.com
Photos by Philippe Glade:
Pod-Mahal at Disorient Camp from the side.jpg Pod Mahal camp Disorient room with a view.jpg Pod-Mahal at Camp Disorient.jpg Pod Mahal communal life at camp Disorient.jpg