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Disorient owns four 20 ft. ISO containers in which we store materials for our art installations and for the infrastructure of our camp.


Proposal for Disorient Workshop in a container

by The Eye (discussed with Tejawe, BriteLite, Devyn and others at BM 2010)

With more art installations and constructions being done at Disorient camp on the Playa, tool organization and wrangling has become a demanding task. In 2010, BriteLite did a good job as Disorient Shop Master on the Playa. The Disorient Containers and their content were kept together more than ever before. But we still need to organize our tools better and take better care of them. At BM 2010, for instance, it rained several times while most of our power tools were outside, unprotected. We also cannot find a 2000W and a 3000W Honda silent generators. They'll probably re-emerge somewhere but they were needed and could not be located during the burn. So, we need an appropriately-sized, well-organized space to keep and maintain the Disorient tools which will allow us to keep building Tighter and Brighter installations.

The Disorient Workshop is such a space. Set in a container this Workshop would have a custom side opening with a counter as interface between inside and outside, storage managed by the Shop Master and a workspace where Doers could get small/precise tasks done while being protected from the elements. The Disorient Workshop would provide a clear central place to pick-up and return tools, a protected place for tools, appliances and generators storage, a space to build and assemble components for art projects, and last but not least no more unpacking/repacking. We could transform one of our existing containers or possibly acquire a new one. See rough sketches below.

We might want to consider storing the Disorient Workshop in NYC when it is not on the Playa so we can use its content during the rest of the year. In that case we would be looking for a Nimby or Treasure Island-type situation in/near NYC instead of classic studio space.

Container workshop pers01.jpg
Container workshop pers02.jpg
Container workshop pers03.jpg

Door examples:
Container door idea01.jpg Container door idea02.jpg