TOBRIT Shopping List

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TOBRIT Shopping List

- 10’ tall scaffolding with platform and wheels
- Drill press
- (6) 1/2” wood bit
- (10) 1/2” key

WOOD Purgatory
- (14) 2x10 x20’ kiln dried stud (main members and floor beams)
- (32) 2x8 x16’ kiln dried stud (side member reinforcement and floor frame)
- (15) 2x4 x10’ kiln dried stud (floor)
- (40) 2x4 x8’ kiln dried stud (steps and wall frame)
- (12) 2x6 x8’ kiln dried stud (steps)
- (5) 48x96 3/4” plywood board (floor)
- (50) 48x96 1/2” plywood board (walls)

WOOD other octahedra
- (350) 2x4 x96” kiln dried stud (24 8’ OH + 7 4’ OH)
- (5) 2x4 x192” kiln dried stud (spire)

HARDWARE Purgatory
- (6) 20’ OH Simas Connector
- (4) Simas con. add-on for equator cable guide and double ground anchor cable
- (10) metal plates to connect Purgatory floor beams to 20’ OH (or use wood (1/2” ply triangles?) instead. TBD by engineer)
- (3) U carpentry metal connector for Purgatory 2x10 floor beam cross
- (100) 1/2 in. 4” long bolt
- (12) 1/2 in. 8” long bolt (to anchor steel U for Ark steel cables to 2x10 studs)
- (100) 1/2 in. 5 1/2” or 6” bolt (to connect 2x8 to 2x10 studs
- (200) 1/2 in. Washer
- (200) 1/2 in. Nut
- (320’) 1/4 in. Steel cable (equator loop, floor loop, 8 ground anchors)
- (100) 1/4 in. Cable connector
- (50) 1/4 in. Cable loop protector
- (15) 1/4 in. Cable tensor

- (TBD) 1/4” Wire Rope
- (8) 1/4” pulley (connects Ark’s D rings to steel cable)
- (8) Quick Link (to connect pulley to Ark anchor points)
- (28) 1/4 in. Wire Cable Clamp
- (15) 1/4 in. Wire Rope Thimble
- (8) 1/4 in. Turnbuckle