Geodesic Temple

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Current project:
Temple of Brad Pitt

Geodesic Temple is a community of dreamers and doers exploring the sacred dimension in sculpture.

Geodesic Temple (GeoTem) is a modular system that uses the octahedron as a building block to create self-supporting structures. The octahedron, a geodesic polyhedron, is one of the five platonic solids. It has been used through the ages in sacred geometry and spiritual architecture.

Geodesic Temple is an expression of the Disorient philosophy: individual cells work together to create the ever-evolving landscape of life.

Explore our collection of Temples and understand how they are made.

GeoTem04 PDF Spring2011 07.jpg Temple of Incompletion BM2018.2 photo by Jane Metcalfe.jpg IMG 9749.JPG GeoTemTheSeventhCC2017.1.jpg GeoTemTheSeventhCC2017.5.jpg GeoTemTetraxBM2016.jpg GAX 05.jpg GeoTemTetraxBM2017.1.jpg CC2013 TheThird02.jpg GeoTemAsterixBM2015.4.jpg GeoTemSarcophagusDubai2016.5.jpg GeoTem2014CCburn.jpgTemple of Incompletion BM2018.1.jpg

Geodesic-temple-logo.jpg More Geodesic Temple logos here. | Library | System | Facebook |