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A Collaborative Sign by Disorient 2022 campers
An installation by the CoSign Cell
Designed by The Eye in 2019


Our Collaborative Sign (CoSign) is made of clusters of wooden 3D pixels supported by a metal structure (pallet rack, scaffolding, etc.). Each pixel is about 30" wide x 30" tall x 8" deep.

The letter "D" is composed of 54 pixels organized in clusters of 6 (2x3) pixels. Those clusters are stackable for transportation and storage (see illustration).

Campers are invited to create a pornj object (2D or 3D) that fits into one pixel (30" wide x 30" tall x 8" deep). That object is a visual and/or written description (sculpture, painting, collage, written words...) of their favorite Disorient memory. Some pixels might be used as dioramas for objects from the Disorient Museum.

CoSign (Disorient Country Club 2022)

DisorientCollaborativeSign20191222.CCXback.jpg DisorientCollaborativeSign20191222.CCXfront.jpg
Scaffolding layout is adjusted depending on the size of scaffolding elements (ladders and crossbars) available.

Before CCX, the CoSign Cell organizes the wooden fabrication and electrical setup of CoSign pixels (mostly grouped in 2x3 modules). Each pixel is lit from the inside. The whole CoSign is sequenced.

CoSign (Disorient Camp at BM22)


DisorientCollaborativeSign20191222.2.jpg DisorientCollaborativeSign20191222.3.jpg DisorientCollaborativeSign20191222.4.jpg

CoSign, supported by pallet rack, is part of the frontage of Disorient camp at BM22.

Lighting (spec'd by Vadim)

There are 54 pixels. Correct?
Is this going to be out in playa or in camp?
Here are 2 options depending on power situation.

Big generator

If this is near the big generator it’s really easy to do it with completely rentable gear.

You rent this guy - it’s a 48x 2.4 kilowatt dimmer rack:
Then you add one of these:
It’s a 12 rack - so now you’re at 60 dimmers total

I gotta ask for a price quote. But renting the big dimmers likely less expensive than buying the small ones - but you can re use the small ones in the future.

Then you use this type of cable to go to the bulbs: (750 USD) (140 USD)

Small generator

If it’s gotta run off a 7k put-put genny it’s gonna to be done off dimmers that would likely have to be purchased. If you’re out in playa and you’re using a small generator with a photo cell and or timer you need the type of genny that can kick itself on under load

You have to buy 10 of these and use regular zip (lamp) cord and I would just get a spool and connectors and custom make it for length.

Oh you would also need a data cable to link the dimmers -So you would need 9’ of these - these we can buy new or used - also re-usable

CABLE (350 USD), SOCKET (550 USD), BULB (300 USD) and CONNECTOR (175 USD)
And then you buy a porcelain socket that’s surface mountable, the bulb and the connector:

Then we can use my console or whatever computer gadget you want to generate the DMX sequence for whatever length you want - I usually aim for 10 minutes and make it look nice
And we can use one of these to essentially be the VCR that played the DMX show back over and over and over again on a loop:
This is a purchase and you have to buy a microSD card for it

Finally, you out it in a timer or a photo cell so that it turns on at dusk. And turns off at daylight. Or your run it forever or if it’s in camp you just go turn it on: