Sustainability Efforts

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Disorient camp at Burning Man is aiming to use 95% renewable energy by 2027.

Plastic recycling

To reduce our plastic waste we would like to use a plastic brick compressor similar to this one to create bricks inspired by the model which seems appropriate for the playa:

- Recycles the unrecyclable without sorting or prewashing
- Reduces stress on waste management and recycling infrastructure
- Does not require any chemicals, additives, adhesives, or fillers
- Protects our planet, oceans, waterways, and wildlife

We plan to bring a plastic brick compressor to the playa in 2022 but if you know of a camp that uses them please let us know. We would love to learn from/with them.

Our goal is not only to become self-reliant when it comes to plastic recycling but also to start using the resulting plastic bricks (and possibly other objects) as a common component of our art installations.

Disorient Unplugged

A new addition to our menu of events which would require no electricity.