Disorient DAO
With help from Leo and James, Eye have been researching how to create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for Disorient. (What is a DAO: https://daohaus.club/docs/users/intro-dao)
Creating a DAO is a big step for Disorient. It comes with many questions.
During a call with Isaac, a DAO specialist, the idea to create a punctual DAO for Disorient camp at BM22 (as opposed to a DAO for Disorient collective) emerged. This time-limited DAO is a way to test the concept with our BM22 camp while avoiding long-term commitments.
We have a Zoom call with Isaac Friday March 18th at 11:00am EST during which we will be able to ask questions and create this D22 DAO.
Isaac recommends using https://daohaus.club on which he has created projects similar to Disorient. He will help us get started and onboard participants on the call. This is a great way to jumpstart this project.