CC Container Camp

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Disorient Discord channel: CCXi Container Camp

For CCXi we plan to create a camp around our existing 40' container.
This Cell would be in charge of keeping tools, materials and other Modules organized to streamline build and breakdown of CC.

20230310ContainerCampAtCCXi.png 20230505NewPathways.jpg

How to make it happen

- Reposition existing container.
- Purchase of new 20' container and pallet rack for storage.
- Place both containers on 8x8 x 8' long wooden beams to elevate them from the ground and avoid water damage.
- Create a path to link Container Camp with the cabin above.
- Power and portapotty.
- Fabrication of a new fire receptacle, the Pentagonal Urn.

Container Camp would eventually develop into The Rosewood Lodge with bar and lounge to become a destination and a new GlamTech experience within Country Club.

20230505CCXiContainerCellCamp.3.jpg 20230505CCXiContainerCellCamp.4.jpg

20230504 Country Club Container Camp Land Survey