Pallet rack

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Cell Lead (2004-present): Freeman

Disorient uses Interlake "teardrop" style pallet rack.

Burning Man

Freeman M. introduced pallet racks to Disorient by creating an installation at D04 on the playa. Disorient embraced pallet rack tech and used it to create structural elements for our art installations at Burning Man Camp such as the Art Car Wash and the Club House. Pallet rack elements used for Disorient's playa installations are stored in our Pallet Rack Container.

Vertical storage

We use pallet rack as vertical storage at the Dock and in our Containers.

When acquiring new members, make sure they are compatible with Interlake "teardrop" style pallet rack.


At D22 we use Pallet Racks for the Art Car Wash, as support for CoSign "D" and as structure for our Club House.
D22DisorientArtCarWashNight.jpg 20220930CoSignDwithSolarArray.jpg 20220929DisorientClubHouseDay.jpg

The Club House is a regular pentagon made of pallet racks. We use Geodesic Temple's Lowroad Connectors to secure pallet rack uprights at the 108 degree corners of the pentagon.
20220925DisorientClubHousePentagonalFrame.1.jpg 20220925DisorientClubHousePentagonalFrame.2.jpg

Pallet Rack Nest (Project, 2019)

UP20190225.6.jpg UP20190225.7.jpg

Pallet Rack dimensions

Pallet Rack Dimensions 01.jpg Pallet Rack Dimensions 02.jpg Pallet Rack Dimensions 03.jpg Pallet Rack Dimensions 04.jpg Pallet Rack Dimensions 05.jpg

Pallet Rack members needed for the Dock (August 2012)

Pallet Rack needed at Dock 2012.jpg

36' wide Uprights count after BM 2010

8x 7' (but 2 are being used as shelving in the container)
4x 8.5'
4x 12'
8x 14'
8x 14'/17' (one side is higher, several of these are slightly bent at the top)
1x 17.5'
14x 20'
Row spacers are 18"