D23 Camp

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Disorient camp at Burning Man 2023
Lead: D23 Camp Cell
Discord channel: Camp
Urban Plan: XO
Power: Power layout

Volunteer SignUps


Cell Leads

(Cell):(Cell Lead)

D23 Camp: Camp Cell

Interface with BM: LittleShane
Registration: LittleShane
Registration emails: Sofy
Production Wrangler: Brinksman
Budget: Tejawe
Accounting: Wishbone

Urban Plan: The Eye
Square Shade: Ed B.
Power: IceCream
Water: HRH
Placement: HRH
Volunteer Coordinator: N/A
Tool Master: TBA
Shower: TBA
Kitchen: Amber
Tuesday Night BBQ: Jonny Be Bad/NightShift
Recycling: N/A
Disengage: Ed
LNT: MissDaddy

Club House design: The Eye, Kirby
Club House structure: MissDaddy
Club House decor: John F., Kirby
AMP'D Yoga: Donovan A.
Disorient Talks: The Eye
DeFi Talk Moderator: Lev G.
Jewelry of Burning Man Moderator: LadyBee
Power Talk Moderator: IceCream
Tokenization Talk Moderator: Michael H.
CoSign assembly and installation: IceCream
CoSign off playa fabrication: Karl Mak
CoSign design: The Eye
Temple of the Paper Rabbit: The Eye, Pinky
Frozen Minty Towels: Tejawe
Camp Lighting: Vadim
D14 Sign: Brad
Sound: Charlie Funk
Downtempo: The Eye with Sturge, VibesByTory, Karl Mak, Solhara