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Disorient Decentralized Autonomous Organization

D22 (Disorient camp at Burning Man 2022) DAO

With help from Leo and James, Eye have been researching how to create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for Disorient. (What is a DAO: https://daohaus.club/docs/users/intro-dao)

Creating a DAO is a big step for Disorient. It comes with many questions. During a call with Isaac, a DAO specialist, the idea to create a punctual DAO for Disorient camp at BM22, as opposed to a DAO for Disorient collective, emerged. This time-limited DAO is a way to test the concept while avoiding long-term commitments.

A DAO can provide a new structure to streamline how we run camp. It is a radical departure from the way we've done things in the past. It will require adjustment and agility but has the potential to bring Disorient members closer together, automate camp functions and energize our consensual stance through built-in transparency.

We have a Zoom call with Isaac on Friday March 18th at 11:00am EST during which we will be able to ask questions and create our D22 DAO.

Isaac recommends using https://daohaus.club which he has used to help create other DAOs for projects similar to Disorient. He will help us get started and onboard participants on the call. This is a great way to jumpstart this project.

Disorient Token

2017 notes on creating a Disorient token by The Eye