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After much discussion over several years, we decided early 2016 to create a Council to help manage the Disorient project worldwide.

What is the Disorient Council?

1. Disorient Council
1.1. Role – Discuss big issues and make decisions as needed.
1.2. Checks & Balances – The Council is Disorient's Congress, the Directors are Disorient's Executive body. Directors can overrule the decisions of the Council.

2. Members of the Disorient Council
2.1. Number of members - There is a total of eleven active members. Three (Leo, The Eye and Ted) are permanent members, eight are elected members. We strive for diversity across levels of seniority.
2.2. Term – Members are elected for a two-year term, with half (4) of the elected members rotating in and out each year. Rotating members can choose to serve for a second consecutive two-year term.
2.3. Nomination of a new member – During the month of May, Council members nominate someone within Disorient.
2.4. Election of a new member – During the month of June, the current Council votes internally to fill open spots from list of nominees. If elected by majority, each nominee is invited to become a member.
2.5. Replacement of a member resigning before the month of February. If a member resigns during his/her tenure a new member is nominated/elected for the remaining of the term of the resigning member following the processes described in 2.3 and 2.4.
2.6. Members’ responsibilities - Council members are required to participate to the Council discussions and to the Council meetings which are usually internet calls.

Who are the members?

In alphabetical order:
(+) indicates new member


Firas (Member, Dubai)
Freeman (Member, India)
HRH (Member, LA)
Justin Day (Member, NYC)
Ky (Member, NYC)
Leo (Permanent Member, NYC)
Rebecca (Member, San Diego)
+ Sheri (Member, NYC)
Ted (Permanent Member, LA)
The Eye (Permanent Member, Hong Kong)
Theresa Champagne (Member, Oregon)


Canaan (Member, Greenpoint)
+ Firas (Member, Dubai)
+ Freeman (Member, India)
HRH (Member, LA)
+ Justin Day (Member, NYC)
Ky (Member, NYC)
Leo (Permanent Member, NYC)
Rebecca (Member, San Diego)
Ted (Permanent Member, LA)
The Eye (Permanent Member, Hong Kong)
+ Theresa Champagne (Member, Oregon)

2016 (First Council)

Canaan (Member, Greenpoint)
Elixir (Member, Philadelphia)
HRH (Member, LA)
Ky (Member, NYC)
Laura (Member, NYC)
Leo (Permanent Member, NYC)
Lowroad (Member, Bushwick)
Playa Barbie (Member, Dubai)
Rebecca (Member, NYC)
Ted (Permanent Member, LA)
The Eye (Permanent Member, NYC)