LNT Efforts

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LNT (Leave No Trace) PLAN
by Disorient's MOOP Czar



1. Remove all excess packaging before you bring it to BRC.

2. Set-up separate containers for the following:
• disgusting non-recyclable, non-burnable trash
• beer cans and aluminum--these can all be brought to recycle camp (can these be crushed?)
• Plastic. Water jugs should be flattened once empty.
• Paper products and burnable stuff.
• Glass

3. HIDE YOUR TRASH AND RECYCLING either under your RV if you're in one or maybe under a secured tarp or wherever people who are just traveling thru camp won't throw shit into them. This will reduce the amount of trash you have to take out in the end and more importantly reduce the amount of time you spend separating recycling from nasty ass trash.

4. Take a few extra bags of trash out with you when you leave the Playa. As the huge wonderful camp that we are, we are going to accumulate a bunch of garbage that isn't ours. I'm going to ask everyone to take out more trash than they brought in.

5. Bring twice as many trash bags as you think you will need so you can share them with your neighbor. A minimum of 20 heavy duty 3 mil or 4 mil (that's the thickness of the plastic, it is written on the container the bags come in) "contractor grade" garbage bags per sub camp. If you have extras at the end, DPW will love you for leaving them with them on the way out.

6. No disposable (plastic) cups. Bring large plastic tumblers, write your name on them and use those. If you bring a really nice cup it can become part of your playa persona. Leo was given by Steven a beautiful chalice in 2005 that he has been using it ever since.

7. Don't throw any plastic or glass into the burn barrels. Inhaling burning plastic makes you feel weird, and not in a good way and glass in the barrels pisses of the DPW.

8. Don't dump your grey water. . i.e. if you do your dishes, don't pour the water out onto the ground afterwards. Let it evaporate in a grey water pool.

9. Pick it up as you go.

10. Check with me a few hours before you leave.


1. Avoid glass. No glass beer bottles please. We can bring all cans to recycle camp. Glass takes up more room in the fridge and cooler, you can't shotgun them and it is a bitch to deal with if they break.
Can we crush the cans?
2. Consider drying out perishable refuse to burn. This includes anything you might compost. Hang it in a mesh bag, let it dry and then burn it.

3. Help me with daily runs to recycle camp. I'll love you for it.

4. Burn your burnables. My sister, who is an ecology major says this is bad to do, but I think on such a small scale it can't hurt too much. You decide to recycle or burn it.

5. Help with a midweek trash run. You'll love yourself for it.
If you want people to carry your trash keep it in medium sized bags, light enough to be lifted by the weakest most tired person you have ever met. If its leaky or gooey, double bag it or the friend won't goo up his car just cuz you're in disorient. If you string your bags together, use an easily removable knot.

6. Bring glass over to the glassblowers camp so they can melt it down into something pretty.

Making it better

(add your suggestions here)