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Spire is about the connectedness of all things, in particular human beings. It expresses the idea that we are all in this journey together. We embrace diversity. We love all colors. We are one.<BR>
Spire is about the connectedness of all things, in particular human beings. It expresses the idea that we are all in this journey together. We embrace diversity. We love all colors. We are one.<BR>

[[File:20220829RaisingGeodesicTempleSpireInFrontOfDisorientCamp.jpg|380px]] [[File:20220829GeodesicTempleSpireAndVideoSignAtDisorientCamp.jpg|380px]]


Revision as of 13:19, 25 January 2023

Dimensions: 8' x 8' x 48'
Weight: 1200 Lbs
Spire will be painted as shown on images below
Lights: Spotlights at top and bottom + ~200 Solpix v.0.3 at the top


Geodesic Temple is an expression of the Disorient philosophy: individual cells work together to create the ever-evolving landscape of life. As such, Disorient is inspired by the biological model. It is an art-centered, inspirational and nourishing collective that feeds on positive energy. It is open source and creates systems that can be taken apart by others and from which new systems can be developed.

Geodesic Temple is a modular system that uses the octahedron as a building block to create self-supporting structures. The octahedron is one of the five platonic solids. It has been used through the ages in sacred geometry and spiritual architecture. According to various traditions, each of the five platonic solids carries special teachings. The octahedron, also known as “the seed of life,” is symbolic of the union of heaven and earth, which exists within each of us. It also represents the Heart Chakra, serving as an expression of self-love and compassion. The octahedron is connected with the element of Air, consciousness, the breath of life, and new beginnings.

From this rich symbolic basis, Geodesic Temple derives a special power to enable profound personal realizations and transformative collective experiences.

Spire is about the connectedness of all things, in particular human beings. It expresses the idea that we are all in this journey together. We embrace diversity. We love all colors. We are one.

20220829RaisingGeodesicTempleSpireInFrontOfDisorientCamp.jpg 20220829GeodesicTempleSpireAndVideoSignAtDisorientCamp.jpg


We are building Geodesic Temple Spire at BM22.

Spire (https://wiki.disorient.info/index.php?title=Geodesic_Temple_Library#Spire_.28Burning_Man_2022.29) explores a new GeoTem assembly technique involving asymmetrical octahedra. It’s something that we’ve never done before and that requires extra attention to details when making the connections between wooden studs to create the octahedra. We strive to explore a new technique every time we build a GeoTem to enrich our formal vocabulary through experience and grow our practice.


Spire is painted, which is uncommon for GeoTem, and was not be burned, which is also uncommon for recent GeoTems. It is a smaller endeavor than TOBRIT as we focus our efforts and energy in camp this special "reentry" year.

Spire build started on Tuesday August 23rd, 2022. Two by four studs arrived on playa already cut and primed. Octahedra assembly (drilling holes and painting 2x4 studs then connecting them with Simas Connectors) was done in camp at Esplanade and 6:30. Connecting octahedra together into Spire took place in front of camp where the structure then received lighting elements and was erected on Friday August 26th, 2022.

TheTenth20200108.1.jpg TheTenth20200108.2.jpg

Cut List

20220804GeoTemSpireCutList.1.jpg 20220804GeoTemSpireCutList.2.jpg

2x4 boards
Symmetrical 45 degree cuts at each end
Dimension is on long side

10x 96’
12x 90’
12x 84’
12x 78’
12x 72’
12x 66’
12x 60’
12x 54’
12x 48’
12x 42’
3x 36’