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PORNJ is the color of Disorient.
PORNJ is Pink and Orange, both saturated and preferably fluorescent.
PORNJ Pink: Pantone 806 C, HEX #FF0088, RGB 255,177,0
PORNJ Orange: Pantone 804 C, HEX #FF8800, RGB 255,0,177

A bright happy color halfway between Pink and Orange, diminishing neither.
The counterpart of Pornj is Porange: a morose color halfway between Pink and Orange. Porange is to Pornj what the dad sneaker is to the Vapor Max, in other words, Porange benefits from a retro factor that resonates with a certain demographic of DOers.

PORNJ on Facebook

Popular beliefs:
- PORNJ visits you in a midwinter playa dream
- PORNJ is closer to orange than it is to pink.
- PORNJ exists in nature. It appears at sunset and sunrise under specific circumstances.
- PORNJ can only be visible to human eye under black light.
- PORNJ is actually pronounced PORANGE.
- PORNJ is the pheromone of Disorient.
- Too much PORNJ is rarely enough.
- PORNJ grows inside you before you start wearing it.
- While both are accepted spellings, there are significant philosophical differences between PORNJ and PORANGE.
- PORNJ is closer to pink than it is to orange.
- ROSANGE is the French version of PORNJ - PORNJ is color foreplay for your 3rd eye
- True Disorienters bleed PORNJ.
- The term PORNJ was coined by a handful of Disorienters in 2004 during a building session for the original Disorient Sign.
- It is the only word known to rhyme with Orange.
- PORNJ is felt before being seen.

Robo's pictures of Pornj on Flickr

SaintLaurentRiveGauche1970s theoriginalpornj.jpg

The first time I noticed the power of pornj was in the 1980s looking at Yves Saint Laurent's Rive Gauche logo created in the late 1960s. Eye

We love all colors