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PORNJ is the color of Disorient.
PORNJ is Pink and Orange, both saturated and preferably fluorescent.
PORNJ Pink: Pantone 806 C, HEX #FF0088, RGB 255,177,0
PORNJ Orange: Pantone 804 C, HEX #FF8800, RGB 255,0,177
A bright happy color halfway between Pink and Orange, diminishing neither.
The counterpart of Pornj is Porange: a morose color halfway between Pink and Orange. Porange is to Pornj what the dad sneaker is to the Vapor Max, in other words, Porange benefits from a retro factor that resonates with a certain demographic of DOers.
Popular beliefs:
- PORNJ visits you in a midwinter playa dream
- PORNJ is closer to orange than it is to pink.
- PORNJ exists in nature. It appears at sunset and sunrise under specific circumstances.
- PORNJ can only be visible to human eye under black light.
- PORNJ is actually pronounced PORANGE.
- PORNJ is the pheromone of Disorient.
- Too much PORNJ is rarely enough.
- PORNJ grows inside you before you start wearing it.
- While both are accepted spellings, there are significant philosophical differences between PORNJ and PORANGE.
- PORNJ is closer to pink than it is to orange.
- ROSANGE is the French version of PORNJ
- PORNJ is color foreplay for your 3rd eye
- True Disorienters bleed PORNJ.
- The term PORNJ was coined by a handful of Disorienters in 2004 during a building session for the original Disorient Sign.
- It is the only word known to rhyme with Orange.
- PORNJ is felt before being seen.
Disorient Goggles
D22 Club House
CCXii Escutcheon
Disorient Hong Kong 2019 retreat
Nebula at D23
D22 Club House
D22 Club House with D14 Sign
Disorient BEDOUIN TECH Dubai 2017
Leo Blinkies 2018
Tea Pagoda at Fun Tsang ADXiX
Robo's pictures of Pornj on Flickr
The first time I noticed the power of pornj was in the 1980s looking at Yves Saint Laurent's Rive Gauche logo created in the late 1960s. Eye
We love all colors