Disengage means break-down in Disorient lingo.
It is a crucial part of Disorient.
It happens at every Disorient event.
It can be brutal.
Everybody present helps out with Disengage.
Sitting on the container: ?, ?
Standing: Stack, Ed, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Other Jason, ?, Ocean, ?
Resting: Jonnie B Good, The Source
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Ocean, ?
Photos by Jonnie B Good
D17 NYC Container Cell
Cell leader: Friar Tuck
Mistress of Moop: Ocean
tuesday team:
wednesday team:
Containers Contents
- GeoTem Container Inventory: GREEN Container
- Tool_Container: TOOL Container
- Ratty Container Inventory: PALLET RACK Container
- Dex Inventory
Disorient Camp at Burning Man 2010
Cell leader: Friar Tuck
Mistress of Moop: Ocean
DisEngage Deputies:
Josh Tennent (ACW Liaison)
Jordan Gallagher (Camp Liaison)
Jillian Lange (Camp Love)
Keith Embler (Individual Camping Groups Liaison)
2010-07-29 DisEngage Core Team Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome a. Overview b. General: i. We prod/poke/remind people throughout week about project DisEngage ii. We act as map between organizational structure & output categories 2. News & Tidbits a. we are renting a DE Truck b. NYC Container – need consolidation plan for after it leaves c. Boom Boat: I’m not leading DE but will be part of it d. Dis Containers: movement & placement will be a major issue e. Hot springs (early evening) – Ocean sent details f. Online docs: look over them, start using them 3. Recommendations from other people a. have Music b. Plan order of operations c. Breaks / fun - Jillian volunteering to lead Love Patrol d. drink lots of water & monitor others e. No work at hottest point of day f. Pack up own stuff first – Sunday afternoon at beginning of DisEngage g. Remind people not to work too hard (including us!) 4. Project Tracking – see online document a. Org chart: who is in charge of each cell & subcell b. Independent projects – currently Echo Chamber, Space Pirates, maybe cuddletent c. Individual campers 5. (*) Output Categories a. Brainstorm (see list) 6. Roles – Brainstorm a. DEL (DisEngage Lead – Ed) b. MOOP (Ocean) c. Container ? (maybe Elijah plus others?) d. Camper liaison e. ACW liaison (Josh T) f. Camp liaison g. Keep DE happy – Jillian (Love Patrol) h. Question: Post-party MOOP? DE or no? (Weeklong trash) – hopefully managed separately 7. (*) Timeline a. Brainstorm b. Sunday – most everyone in camp will help, big day c. Work backward from when we leave playa 8. Current # of people per day: will send update on this soon
Notes from the Board:
DisEngage Roles
* DEL * MOOP - Ocean * Disorient Container * Elijah? * ACW Liaison * Camp Liaison * DE Love * Camper Liaison * Need more than 1?
OUTPUT Categories (see updated tab on spreadsheet)
* NYC Container * Trash * RV - personal * DE truck: Landfill * Ted's LA truck * Recycling * Find out about can camp * How late are they open? * DE truck for off-playa recycling * Burnables * Public burn platform (JT) * How late? * Gray water * RVs * Disorient Container * Wood to donate * DE Truck * DEX * videogasm * Contractors: rented sound, large generators, water tank
* Question: Trash czar? * Question: When do generators leave? - Big generator: maybe T or W, and smaller one in DisContainer * Question: Post-party MOOP? * ACW * trying to get Ocean, Sequoia & Soooz to organize these w/ hosts * Shifts (JT) would be good * Evap pond check (Sunday PM) * OR the DE truck hauls out water barrel (TStick is working on pumping plan and will get back to me) * DE Core Team (DECT) meeting * Saturday afternoon / dinner * Walkie talkies (?) * Bull horn * Puddle: Disengage category in 'On Playa' - DONE * Scan meeting notes / agenda, send to Jordan - DONE
Lowroad: In 2006 a group of about 7 or 8 were last. I remember Tejawe, myself, Moon and Nailz and a few others. Very foggy recollection. Right near the end there was still a chair left out in the shade of the last open container (there were only 2 then.) I sat in the chair, slowly pouring an entire gallon of water over my head while Nailz played accompaniment on an old fiddle. Pure magic.